Strategic Partnership between ABF and KCS in Border Security

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Strategic Partnership between ABF and KCS in Border Security
Australian Border Force (ABF) meets with Korean Customs Service and Coast Guard to discuss border security and collaboration.

According to the Australian magazine The Mandarin, on May 14, the Australian Border Force (ABF) held strategic talks with partner agencies in South Korea last week. ABF Commissioner Michael Outram met with representatives from the Korea Customs Service (KCS) and the Korea Coast Guard (KCG) to discuss strategies to prevent the illegal import of e-cigarettes and drugs, information sharing, and modernizing border security.


ABF and KCS are recognized as regional dog training centers by the World Customs Organization and closely collaborate on their respective detection dog programs. This includes conducting visits, exchanging methods, and seeking further opportunities for cooperation in dog breeding, development, and training, as well as future dog procurement. Commissioner Euleram stated that through joint efforts, regional partners can achieve greater success in combating transnational crime and ensuring the prosperity of the countries in the region.


The commissioner said, "Since January 2023, targeted contacts with Korean customs have significantly increased the volume of business referrals, leading to the discovery of illegal goods at the border and the arrest of individuals involved in these activities. Our collaboration with the Korean Customs Service has not only strengthened our respective domestic canine detection programs, but also allowed us to provide additional training and capacity building for other key partners in the region. The enhanced border customs effect plays a key role in disrupting the illegal trade of drugs and other illicit goods, ensuring supply chain security, and reducing the operational space of organized crime networks.


In recent years, the relationship between Australia and South Korea has been increasingly close, in response to the changing strategic environment in the Asia-Pacific region and the growing opportunities for joint investment. South Korea has even expressed interest in potentially joining AUKUS in the future.


The Australian border security forces are committed to strengthening cooperation and contacts with their South Korean counterparts, establishing connections and learning from each other to protect our borders and regions.


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