Strict Inspection at Chicago Port: Hundreds of Tons of Seized E-cigarettes

Regulations by 2FIRSTS
Strict Inspection at Chicago Port: Hundreds of Tons of Seized E-cigarettes
Chicago port intensifies inspections on e-cigarette shipments, confiscates hundreds of tons of products, targeting FDA blacklisted companies.

On December 19th, a reliable source within the e-cigarette logistics industry informed 2FIRSTS that the port of Chicago in the United States is currently conducting strict inspections on e-cigarette freight agents. So far, they have confiscated hundreds of tons of e-cigarettes.


According to a knowledgeable source, the inspection operation began on December 15th and is currently ongoing, with multiple e-cigarette freight forwarding companies reportedly being inspected.


2FIRSTS subsequently consulted a logistics provider engaged in the transportation of American e-cigarette shipments, who confirmed the situation and stated, "All companies listed in the FDA import alert have fallen victim to it.


According to reports, the import alert list, which includes several Chinese e-cigarette brands, was released by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on May 17.


Furthermore, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on December 15th that it had collaborated with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to seize approximately 1.4 million unauthorized e-cigarette products at the Los Angeles port. These products have a total value exceeding $18 million. 


Regarding the Port of Chicago:


Prior to this, 2FIRSTS compiled and analyzed the import ratios of e-cigarettes in the top five ports in the United States, based on data released by the US International Trade Commission.


According to statistics, Chicago serves as the largest hub for e-cigarettes in the United States, with more than 50% of these products entering the country through this city. They then radiate to the entire Great Lakes region, supplying the markets in the eastern and central parts of the United States.


美国国际贸易委员会:2022年白关进口电子烟约4亿支 芝加哥为最大口岸
The proportion of e-cigarette imports in various states of the United States in 2022 | Source: Mincy 


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