The Risks of E-Cigarettes: Insights and Observations

The Risks of E-Cigarettes: Insights and Observations
Recent 'Healthy Living Lecture' at Kansas State University warns of e-cigarette risks; findings show high rates of depression and self-harm among users.

Recently, according to a report from Gbtribune, Kansas State University's "Healthy Living Lecture Series" kicked off with a warning about the risks of e-cigarettes. Expert Donna Gerstner shared some fascinating insights and observation results regarding e-cigarettes.

According to a recent study, 60.4% of students who regularly use e-cigarettes have reported experiencing symptoms of depression, compared to only 29.1% of individuals who have never used e-cigarettes. Furthermore, 42.5% of e-cigarette users are more likely to engage in self-harm, while 42% have expressed intentions to self-harm, and 37.5% have admitted to attempting self-harm. Moreover, 8 out of 10 teenagers who use e-cigarettes have also reported indulging in other substances such as alcohol and marijuana.

Gusstner said:

You can see that the situation of teenagers using e-cigarettes is indeed alarming," Gusterna also coordinates a funded project aimed at prevention and reduction of chronic disease risks associated with e-cigarettes.

According to a study conducted by the public health department in Kansas, over 48% of high school students have tried using e-cigarettes, with 22% currently using them. Health officials warn that tobacco use among adolescents, including the use of e-cigarettes, will have negative consequences, ultimately resulting in over 60,000 premature deaths among Kansas residents under the age of 18.

Gestner stated, "The tobacco industry is manufacturing e-cigarette products that are enticing to teenagers. These products include e-cigarette pens disguised as USB drives, ballpoint pens, watches, and even hoodies with smoke emitting from the zipper.

In her hometown, Glastonbury has been involved in an effort to pass a city-county ordinance to ban the sale of e-cigarette products to minors. Currently, a group is working to amend the school policy that suspends teenagers caught using e-cigarette products for the first time, as this only provides them an opportunity to use them at home.

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