Turkish Man Charged with Smuggling 700 E-cigarettes from Bulgaria

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Turkish Man Charged with Smuggling 700 E-cigarettes from Bulgaria
Turkish man accused of smuggling 700 e-cigarettes into Turkey from Bulgaria faces 1 year 3 months to 6 years 6 months in prison.

According to reports, a man in the Kırklareli region of Turkey has been accused of smuggling 700 e-cigarettes from Bulgaria into Turkey. The man is currently under trial and could face a prison sentence ranging from 1 year and 3 months to 6 years and 6 months.


According to the report, the indictment states that the defendant was found suspicious by customs officials at the Dereköy border checkpoint and was subjected to an X-ray scan, revealing a batch of e-cigarettes hidden in various places within the vehicle's luggage compartment. The defendant denies ownership of these e-cigarettes, claiming that he was merely asked by a friend to bring them into Turkey for a fee of $450.


The indictment accuses T.G. of violating the "smuggling law," with the first court hearing scheduled for January 23, 2024.


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