Welsh Business Support for Tobacco Sales Ban Legislation Debate

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Welsh Business Support for Tobacco Sales Ban Legislation Debate
Over half of Welsh small businesses support making tobacco sales to those born after 2009 a criminal offense.

According to a report by Planet Radio on April 13th, a survey conducted by ASH Wales Cymru found that over half of small businesses in Wales support a plan to make it a crime to sell tobacco to people born after 2009.


Welsh lawmakers will debate a proposal this Tuesday (April 16) for tighter restrictions on the sale of tobacco and e-cigarettes. This includes phasing out the sale of tobacco, meaning that by 2024, individuals under the age of 15 will never be able to legally purchase tobacco products. An organization's survey found that 58% of small businesses interviewed supported the plans of the Welsh region and UK government, while 86% of Welsh businesses surveyed indicated support for introducing fixed fines for retailers who violate the new regulations.


The organization's CEO, Suzanne Cass, stated: "The strong support from Welsh businesses is significant, as it contradicts the rhetoric of the tobacco industry. Responsible Welsh retailers understand that raising the tobacco sales age limit is the right thing to do, and they hope that businesses violating regulations should be held accountable. We urge all Welsh MPs to listen to their constituents and understand the facts. Time is running out for this bill to become law before the summer recess or general election.


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