World Health Organization Considers Holding COP10 Conference Online

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World Health Organization Considers Holding COP10 Conference Online
World Health Organization's tobacco control conference, COP10, may be held online due to security concerns in Panama.

Recently, according to Brazilian media Globorural, it has been reported that the organizers of the tenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (COP10) may consider holding the event in the form of an online conference, following its postponement.


The COP 10 Global Tobacco Control Conference, originally planned to be held in Panama, has been postponed due to security concerns in the country.


In a leaked internal statement, the organizers of the 10th Conference of the Parties called for leaders to hold an online discussion on November 23rd and 24th, but did not disclose the specific agenda. The organizers are still considering the idea of hosting another forum themselves, but the date has not been confirmed yet.


The main topic discussed at the conference was the standardization of e-cigarettes. The tobacco industry argued that regulations should be put in place for the use of e-cigarettes to ensure the production of safe products and generate tax revenue for the government.


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