ARFNZ Releases Video Focusing on E-Cigarettes

ARFNZ releases video on vaping; concerns over youth usage. Some support vaping as a way to reduce smoking rates.

The Asthma and Respiratory Foundation of New Zealand (ARFNZ) has recently released a video titled "Focus on E-cigarettes." Currently, many young people in New Zealand are vaping e-cigarettes. The local high school principals' association claims that more than a quarter of students have tried vaping e-cigarettes. Many people are opposed to e-cigarettes.


Meanwhile, some organizations are expressing support for e-cigarettes, arguing that they can reduce smoking rates. Nancy Lucas, the executive coordinator of the Asia Pacific Coalition for Tobacco Harm Reduction (CAPHRA), stated, "The Asthma and Respiratory Foundation of New Zealand has sparked public opposition to e-cigarettes, which could jeopardize the country's smoke-free target for 2025.


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