Australia to Implement Stricter Regulations on E-Cigarettes from March 1st

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Australia to Implement Stricter Regulations on E-Cigarettes from March 1st
Australia plans to ban the sale and supply of non-prescription e-cigarettes starting March 1, to curb nicotine addiction.

According to media outlet SBS, on January 30th, the Australian Minister for Health, Mark Butler, announced that the government plans to enact legislation from March 1st, which will completely ban the sale and supply of over-the-counter e-cigarettes, while also tightening regulations surrounding e-cigarette stores.


According to the new regulations, sales of e-cigarettes must meet the requirements for original flavor and the specified nicotine content. Non-therapeutic e-cigarettes will be prohibited from import if they do not obtain approval from the regulatory authority in charge of pharmaceuticals.


Butler stated that the goal of this measure is to curb the growth of a new generation of nicotine addicts. He also pointed out that, starting from March 1st this year, only e-cigarettes approved by the drug regulatory department are allowed to be imported, and these e-cigarettes need to comply with the requirements of the new regulations from the Office of Therapeutic Goods Administration.


Butler reveals that the current policy has achieved significant results, as Australian border forces have successfully seized 250,000 disposable e-cigarettes in the past four weeks. This operation is just beginning, and the public has expressed strong support for the smoking ban campaign.


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