Debate Over Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis in Thailand

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Debate Over Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis in Thailand
Marijuana growers and business owners protest government policy reversal leading to huge losses, sparking debate on its classification.

According to the Bangkok Post reported on May 14, marijuana cultivators and business owners have decided to gather for a protest, claiming they have suffered significant losses due to a government policy reversal. However, there are also many voices within the medical community and the marijuana industry that support the government's plans. However, groups advocating for marijuana, such as the "Marijuana Future Alliance," demand that if the government intends to reclassify marijuana as a drug, they must provide scientific evidence to support this decision.


Anutin Charnvirakul, an expert and Minister of Interior, stated that the decision to classify marijuana as a drug must be carefully considered, with scientific research and evaluation as a basis. Anutin Charnvirakul is the leader of the Bhumjaithai party, which has previously advocated for the legalization of marijuana.


Deputy Prime Minister Anudin stated, "This issue will not affect the cooperation between the Party of National Trust and the coalition government," and added, "The issue of cannabis should not be politicized.


Although cannabis has been removed from the list of drugs in Thailand since June 2022 and home cultivation is allowed, concerns have been raised in society about issues such as abuse and addiction among adolescents since legalization. Minister of Health Somjate Sapsutin referenced a study from the Chulabhorn Research Institute's Center for Drug Addiction Research, which found that since the legalization of cannabis in 2022, the rate of cannabis use among young people has increased by 10 times.


Even some marijuana growers are in support of canceling the legalization of marijuana, as their income has significantly decreased since marijuana was legalized due to oversupply. Currently, the price of dried marijuana leaves has greatly dropped. However, Thai Prime Minister Chayut Chan-o-cha has issued instructions to the Ministry of Health to revise the regulations that would reclassify marijuana as a controlled substance within the year. It is expected to prohibit recreational use, but allow for medical use under regulation.


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