Significant Success in Turkish Anti-Smuggling Operations

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Significant Success in Turkish Anti-Smuggling Operations
Turkish security forces have achieved significant success in cracking down on smuggling activities in the Hatay region, seizing large quantities of illicit tobacco products.

According to a report by IHA on January 16th, security officials in the Dörtyol and Payas areas of Hatay, Turkey, have achieved significant success in their crackdown on smuggling activities. During a comprehensive search of shops and residences, a large quantity of smuggled tobacco, cigarettes, and tobacco products were seized.


The security department has demonstrated great determination in investigating smuggling activities and successfully apprehended a suspect named R.Ç. in the Payas Çağlalık community, seizing illicit goods in a store and residence, as well as in the Dörtyol Numune Evler community. The suspect was found in possession of a large quantity of smuggled goods, including 12,400 cigarette papers, 1,170 packs of cigarettes, 980 filled cigarette papers, 9 bottles of e-liquid, 14 e-cigarettes, 100 cigars, 3 kilograms of smuggled tea, and 400 grams of hookah tobacco.


This case is no longer just a simple tobacco smuggling case. Three suspects, R.Ç., F.A., and M.S., who are connected to this case, have now been formally charged.


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