Harm of E-Cigarettes: Warning from Egyptian Health Advisor

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Harm of E-Cigarettes: Warning from Egyptian Health Advisor
Egyptian health advisor Dr. Mohamed Awad Tageldin discusses the dangers of e-cigarettes on an Arab news website.

Recently, according to the Arab news website Elbalad, Dr. Mohamed Awad Tageldin, the Advisor to the Egyptian Minister of Health and Population, discussed the dangers of e-cigarettes.


Muhammad stated in a phone interview on the program "Citizens' House" that "Global organizations have taken decades to confirm that smoking is harmful to health, and have documented the ongoing issues caused by smoking.


He added: "As people start to reduce their traditional cigarette usage, these companies begin to produce other types of tobacco (e-cigarettes) and claim that they do not contain the same harms. However, it has been established that these types or modes of smoking may be less harmful in some aspects compared to regular cigarettes, but they are not safe. After in-depth research, the World Health Organization has issued a statement advising against their use as they are harmful to health, with both short-term and long-term impacts.


He pointed out, "All forms of smoking pose significant risks to individuals who smoke, with the main issue with e-cigarettes being that their side effects only become apparent after a longer period of time. The consumption of tobacco in Egypt remains very high."


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