UK E-cigarette Retailer Predicts Prosperity of Market in 2024

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UK E-cigarette Retailer Predicts Prosperity of Market in 2024
Norfolk e-cigarette retailer predicts thriving market for sellers with "right intentions" in 2024, with over 3,500 shops nationwide.

According to a recent report by British media outlet Planet Radio, an e-cigarette retailer in Norfolk predicts that sellers with the "right intentions" will thrive in the market by 2024. According to statistical data, the number of independent e-cigarette stores opened in the UK reached 233 in 2023, bringing the total number of e-cigarette stores in the country to over 3500.


Barry Caine, the owner of an e-cigarette store, expressed in an interview that people with the "right intentions" will achieve success this year. He believes that we will witness many individuals solely driven by profit leave the market.


Kane criticized the practices of some convenience stores in selling disposable e-cigarettes, stating that they offer no guidance and are solely focused on maximizing sales. He believes that while e-cigarettes are 95% safer than smoking, it would be ideal to have a mechanism in place that protects people and encourages them to neither smoke nor use e-cigarettes.


Barry Kane also revealed, "In the past quarter, we have added 60 to 70 new stores, and it appears that they are increasingly independent of larger retailers, which is a positive trend for us. We have been doing business with many local stores, and overall, this month has been quite good because there are many people interested in quitting smoking.


He predicts that disposable e-cigarettes will undergo significant changes this year, but believes that it won't be a major problem for those entering the industry for the right reasons. He stated, "I believe there will be more regulations regarding nicotine levels, as well as a possibility of increasing capacity to reduce waste and improve recycling.


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