Brazilian Federal Police Seize and Close Five E-cigarette Shops

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Brazilian Federal Police Seize and Close Five E-cigarette Shops
Brazilian Federal Police seize and close five e-cigarette shops in Teresina in a crackdown on commercialization of the products.

According to the latest report from Brazilian media outlet Globo, on the morning of December 13th, the Brazilian Federal Police, with the support of the Federal Revenue Service, launched the "Vapor Clandestino Operation," conducting searches and seizing five e-cigarette stores in Teresina. The objective of this operation is to combat the commercialization of e-cigarette products.


In this operation, 20 federal police officers and 3 federal tax inspectors were mobilized to execute search warrants and confiscation orders on five e-cigarette stores in the capital of Pioyi.


During the execution of a search warrant, federal police seized hundreds of devices and accessories.


According to a resolution issued by Brazil's National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), the import and sale of e-cigarettes, accessories, pods, and e-liquids have been banned in Brazil since 2009. Penalties for violating this ban range from warnings to fines. Those responsible may also face charges of smuggling, which could result in a prison sentence of 2 to 5 years.


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