E-cigarette Company in New Brunswick Faces Legal Battle

Regulations by 2FIRSTS.ai
E-cigarette Company in New Brunswick Faces Legal Battle
A Canadian e-cigarette company in New Brunswick due to face legal action for violating tobacco laws.

According to a report from Tj.news on April 23rd, an e-cigarette company in New Brunswick, Canada will be defending itself next month against violations of the province's Tobacco and E-cigarette Sales Act.


The company was accused in November of selling or providing flavor products for e-cigarettes on June 14. On Tuesday (23rd), the company's lawyer, Wanda Severns, requested another adjournment in the Moncton Court. She told the court that she hoped to have more time to continue discussing a solution with the Crown Office.


The prosecutor agreed to adjourn the court session, but noted that the case has been pending in the court for some time.


The company plans to file a defense with the court on May 1st.


Another e-cigarette company located in Sackville, which had been facing similar accusations, had initially pleaded not guilty and was scheduled for trial on April 10. However, the shop owner eventually admitted to the charge of selling flavored e-cigarettes and was fined $288.


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