Harlowville Considers Becoming Maine's Latest Community to Ban Flavored Tobacco

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Harlowville Considers Becoming Maine's Latest Community to Ban Flavored Tobacco
Harlowville considers becoming the latest community in Maine to ban flavored tobacco sales, sparking debate among residents.

According to a report from the American broadcasting company WGME on January 9th, the city of Hallowell is considering becoming the latest community in Maine to ban the sale of flavored tobacco. The local government held a public hearing to discuss this matter.


During the conference, a debate took place regarding the ban on flavored tobacco sales within the city. Opponents argued that the municipal government should consider the issue from a broader perspective, exploring the possibility of implementing a citywide smoking ban. On the other hand, proponents emphasized the detrimental health effects of flavored tobacco and its intentional targeting towards the youth market.


The proposal for this legislation passed by a slim majority, with 4 votes in favor and 3 votes against. If the city of Harlowville enforces this ban, it will join several other cities and towns in Maine, including Bangor and South Portland, that have already implemented similar bans.


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