Illegal E-cigarette Market Warning in Renfrewshire, UK by Policy Commission

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Illegal E-cigarette Market Warning in Renfrewshire, UK by Policy Commission
The UK Public Policy Committee warns of widespread non-compliant e-cigarettes in Renfrewshire, cracking down on shops near schools.

According to news from STV on March 14th, the British Public Policy Committee has warned that there are a large number of non-compliant e-cigarettes on the market in Renfrewshire County.


According to data from the trade standards department, they have found non-compliant products in most of the stores selling e-cigarettes. Due to the popularity of e-cigarettes among young people, law enforcement officials have focused on cracking down on shops located near schools. The department pointed out that almost half of the businesses are aware that their products are not in compliance.


Non-compliance includes incorrect labeling, unsafe, or counterfeit products. We have conducted targeted inspections of shops near schools because we know that more and more young people are using these products. We have provided strict guidance to improve their compliance and have also provided information on underage purchasing. Non-compliant products have been handed over to our service department for destruction so they can be removed from the supply chain.


Johnston North District Councillor Gillian Graham previously expressed support for stricter measures on the sale and promotion of disposable e-cigarettes. "We know that students are using e-cigarettes on and around school campuses because we see disposable e-cigarettes scattered on the streets around schools. The display of e-cigarettes should be regulated similar to cigarettes - the sooner the ban is implemented, the better."


The Scottish government announced in February of this year that from April 1, 2025, the sale and supply of disposable e-cigarettes will be completely banned in Scotland.


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