Illegal E-Cigarettes Sold on Snapchat Seized in Gloucestershire, UK Residential Raid

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Illegal E-Cigarettes Sold on Snapchat Seized in Gloucestershire, UK Residential Raid
Police in Gloucestershire seize 110 illegal e-cigarettes near town center after reports of sales to minors, valued at £1,000.

According to the BBC, police have seized 110 illegal e-cigarettes from a residence near the center of Gloucestershire County. Reports had indicated that these e-cigarettes were being sold to minors.


The police stated that the seized e-cigarettes had a total value of up to 1,000 pounds and were considered illegal due to containing more than 2 milliliters of nicotine e-liquid. The investigation is still ongoing.


This is the first time that Gloucestershire Trading Standards has discovered e-cigarettes at a private address. Following complaints from residents, authorities found that e-cigarettes were being primarily sold to young people from this property. E-cigarettes recovered from discarded packaging on the street confirmed that these products were illegal and therefore their sale was unlawful.


According to reports, these e-cigarettes are being advertised and sold through the social media platform Snapchat.


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