Malaysian Youth and Sports Minister Admits Unconstitutionality of GEG

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Malaysian Youth and Sports Minister Admits Unconstitutionality of GEG
Malaysia's Youth and Sports Minister, Hannah Yeoh, publicly admits that certain provisions of the government's tobacco control law are unconstitutional.

According to medical media CodeBlue on November 15, Malaysian Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh has publicly acknowledged that certain provisions (intergenerational ban) of the government's 2023 Public Health Tobacco Control Act (GEG) are unconstitutional, making her the first cabinet member in Malaysia to openly admit to the GEG's unconstitutionality.


Malaysia's former health minister, Khairy Jamaluddin, criticized Yang Han-na for refusing to accept the proposed ban on intergenerational smoking that he had put forward in last year's parliamentary tobacco bill.


Yang Hanna responded to Jamaluddin's Instagram by saying, "An unenforceable and unconstitutional law will incur a huge cost for the government. My lack of support for GEG does not imply support for the use of e-cigarettes.


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