State Level Mobilization Meeting for World No Tobacco Day

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State Level Mobilization Meeting for World No Tobacco Day
SES-MT to hold statewide mobilization meeting for World No Tobacco Day on May 24, focusing on tobacco prevention and control.

According to the Brazilian media midianews, on May 23, the Health Department of Mato Grosso (SES-MT) held a state-wide mobilization meeting on "World No Tobacco Day" on May 24. The meeting was targeted at professionals, students, and the general public in Mato Grosso, and was organized by the Department of Tobacco Control and Related Technologies and the Department of Health Promotion and Humanities within SES.


The agenda of the state-level smoke-free mobilization conference includes presentations by Maria José Domingues da Silva Giongo, director of the Inca Tobacco Control and other Risk Factors Department, Solange de Morais Montanha, pulmonologist at Júlio Muller University Hospital, Milton Fleury, technical manager of the Mato Grosso State School Health Project, and Milady da Silva Oliveira, technical manager of Mato Grosso State's Anti-Tobacco and Derivatives Project.


The State Tobacco Control Program leaders from the five cities will also participate in the meeting, sharing their successful experiences in preventing and treating smoking.


The healthcare manager of SES, Diógenes Marcondes, emphasized the importance of the state-level conference and stressed the necessity of protecting teenagers from the harms of smoking. He stated, "This conference is crucial for strengthening our strategies to prevent and control youth smoking, in order to provide a healthier future for our children and adolescents.


Rossini Peires, head of health promotion and humanities department at SES, stated that SES will coordinate with the cities in Mato Grosso state to enhance the action in this event.


The Department of Tobacco and Its Derivatives of SES will coordinate activities within the state to carry out health promotion activities, protect children, adolescents, and young people from the interference of the tobacco industry. In order to reduce the risks associated with the current smoking trend in Mato Grosso state, we aim to provide accurate information to professionals and the general public, so that they can become partners in our fight against smoking.


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