Tobacco Control Conference in Panama: Focus on E-Cigarettes

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Tobacco Control Conference in Panama: Focus on E-Cigarettes
The 10th World Conference on Tobacco Control in Panama focuses on tobacco advertising and new products, especially e-cigarettes.

According to media outlet Alwasat's report on February 4th, Panama is hosting the 10th World Tobacco Control Conference. The conference will take place near the Panama Canal, where experts will discuss tobacco advertising and new products, with a particular focus on the popular e-cigarette among young people.


According to a report from the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco claims the lives of 8 million people globally every year, with 1.3 million of them being passive smokers. Experts are calling for more effective tobacco control measures. Ricardo Fabrega, former Deputy Minister of Health in Chile and Dean of the Health School at the University of Santo Tomas, stated that the attention given to the issue of smoking is still far from sufficient, considering the significant harm caused by tobacco.


Ruediger Krech, Director of the Department of Health Promotion at the World Health Organization (WHO), previously stated that although global tobacco consumption is decreasing, the tobacco industry is introducing new products that are more addictive, particularly targeting minors.


More than 70 participating countries will delve into the issue of eliminating illicit trade in tobacco products following the conclusion of the 10th World Conference on Tobacco Control. The focus will primarily be on the illegal manufacturing and sale of tobacco products.


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