FRESOR Introduces FRESOR NOVA Technology and FRESOR N10000

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FRESOR Introduces FRESOR NOVA Technology and FRESOR N10000
FRESOR debuts FRESOR N10000, a large-puff transparent disposable pod, showcasing their "Fresor Nova" technology at TPE trade show.

According to a media report by lelezard on February 3rd, e-cigarette brand FRESOR showcased its FRESOR NOVA technology and latest product FRESOR N10000 at the TPE exhibition in Las Vegas for the first time.


FRESOR N10000 is a high-capacity transparent disposable pod that allows users to see the 12ml e-liquid capacity inside. It utilizes the "Fresor Nova" technology with a micro flat grid coil.


Kevin, the Director of FRESOR Technology, has stated that the company is committed to constantly addressing consumer concerns and providing advanced technological solutions to enhance users' smoking experience.


FRESOR is a subsidiary of ALD Group Limited and currently offers two e-liquid storage solutions: FRESOR Nova and FRESOR Max.


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