Illegal Sale of E-Cigarettes in Brazil: Man Arrested with 33 Devices

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Illegal Sale of E-Cigarettes in Brazil: Man Arrested with 33 Devices
Brazilian police seize 33 e-cigarettes and 510 packages from a 52-year-old man's residence in Brasilia for illegal sales.

According to a report by Dourados News, the Brazilian police conducted a search at the residence of a 52-year-old man in Brasília on the morning of the 27th, based on a court order. During the search, they seized e-cigarettes that he had been selling in nightclubs.


A man has been found in possession of a total of 33 e-cigarettes, along with an additional 510 packaging for e-cigarettes.


The local authorities have stated that the illicit products sold by the man have been completely confiscated and he will face legal consequences.


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