Key Insights and Discussions on the Crisis of Youth Smoking in the United States

Key Insights and Discussions on the Crisis of Youth Smoking in the United States
US anti-youth vaping organization, PAVe, hosted their third annual "Clear The Air" conference, discussing key perspectives on the teen smoking crisis.

According to a press release from the American anti-youth e-cigarette organization (PAVe) on October 26th, they recently held their third annual free online event called the "Clear the Smoke" conference. The conference presented key perspectives on the crisis of youth smoking in the United States and discussed the intersection of adolescent mental health and smoking. The event also addressed the co-usage of marijuana and nicotine, and included discussions with parents and children currently facing this issue.

More than 2,000 registrants participated in the day-long symposium, which brought together leading researchers, public health advocates, educators, legislators, parents, and young people for a series of panel discussions and workshops. The primary focus was on finding better ways to protect our adolescents, and prevent predatory behaviors from big tobacco and e-cigarette companies.

Speakers at the event included Dr. Brian King, Director of the FDA's Center for Tobacco Products, Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz, Founder and Chief Medical Officer of the Child Mind Institute, as well as Congresswoman Raja Krishnamoorthi, Senators Dick Durbin and Ron Wyden, Richard Blumenthal, and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

During the conference, proactive elected officials, including Congressman Krishnamoorthi, Dr. Debin, Dr. Wharton, and Congressman Blumenauer, along with Congressman Wasserman Schultz, offered their insights and discussed their efforts at the federal level to curb the popularity of e-cigarette use among young people.

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