Russia Urged to Completely Ban Sale of E-cigarettes

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Russia Urged to Completely Ban Sale of E-cigarettes
Russian MP calls for complete ban on e-cigarettes in market, citing health risks and appeal to youth.

According to a report from the Moscow Evening News on February 21st, Yaroslav Nilov, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, called for a complete ban on the sale of all types of e-cigarettes in the Russian market.


Nikolov stated in the conversation that despite Russia's legislation prohibiting the production of attractive tobacco product packaging, these regulations do not cover e-cigarettes. This situation is attracting more and more young people to fall into the tobacco trap. He said, "E-cigarettes should be fundamentally prohibited from being sold in Russia, not just changing their appearance design.


According to Nilov, Kazakhstan has already considered similar ban measures and has completely banned the sale, import, export, and production of e-cigarettes, e-liquids, and flavorings. In contrast, Russia is currently only discussing the harm of e-cigarettes, without actually removing them from the market.


Furthermore, Nilofov emphasized that e-cigarettes not only cause serious harm to health, but also often lead to conflicts in schools and on the streets.


Previously, it was reported by the media that the State Duma is expected to propose a complete ban on the sale of e-cigarettes in the Russian Federation in the near future, which aligns closely with the views of Nikolov.


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