Burglars Caught: High-Value E-cigarette Theft in London

Regulations by 2FIRSTS.ai
Burglars Caught: High-Value E-cigarette Theft in London
Three men arrested after stealing over £3000 worth of e-cigarettes from a shop in Sutton High Street.

According to British media Local London, on January 12th, at 2:50 am, three men successfully broke into a shop located on Sutton High Street and stole e-cigarettes worth over £3000.


The local law enforcement special unit swiftly launched an investigation based on video footage and successfully identified the identities of three suspects. The police immediately proceeded to the associated addresses and found several e-cigarettes in close proximity to the suspects, preliminarily determining them to be stolen items.


The three men were immediately arrested by the police after locating the stolen items. They are currently being taken to the detention center and will face multiple charges.


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