JTI Launches "Aprimora Solo" Program in Brazil next Week

JTI Launches "Aprimora Solo" Program in Brazil next Week
Japan Tobacco International (JTI) to launch "Aprimora Solo" program in Brazil next Monday to improve soil conditions and protect resources.

According to a report by gaz on April 11th, Japan Tobacco International (JTI) plans to launch the "Aprimora Solo" program in Brazil next Monday (April 15th). The program aims to improve farmers' soil conditions and protect agricultural and environmental resources.


Tiago Schuck, the research and development director for JTI, emphasized the importance of the program. The main goal of the "Improve Soil" initiative is to enhance soil quality for integrated producers in order to achieve sustainability and productivity in agricultural environments. All JTI agronomy technicians have received extensive training and are prepared to assess soil conditions, identify necessary improvements, and propose management plans tailored to the realities of each industry and region.


In the 2024 planting season, a total of 1,378 farmers participated in the program, with JTI implementing a total of 4,613 improvements.


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