Polish Health Minister Announces Legislation Ending Disposable E-Cigarettes

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Polish Health Minister Announces Legislation Ending Disposable E-Cigarettes
Polish Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna expects legislation to ban disposable e-cigarettes to be completed in April.

According to portalspozywczy, Polish Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna announced during a press conference on Thursday, March 21st that the legislation to ban disposable e-cigarettes is expected to be completed in April.


At Thursday's press conference, the minister was asked when the legislation banning the sale of disposable e-cigarettes, announced at the end of February, would be enacted.


I discussed this issue with the Prime Minister a month ago and received approval." Leschena admitted that due to the Health Ministry being busy fulfilling election promises and other important tasks, the original deadline of March to complete drafting the law was unrealistic. However, she assured that April would be the final deadline for the drafting of the bill.


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