Recent Announcement: Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Bureau's Responsibility List

Recent Announcement: Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Bureau's Responsibility List
Recently, the Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Bureau released a list of rights and responsibilities. (Original Article: Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Bureau List of Rights and Responsibilities)

Recently, the Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Bureau released its list of powers and responsibilities. (Click to view the original article: List of Powers and Responsibilities of the Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Bureau)


The following is the full text:


Legal Basis (including national laws, regulations, rules, administrative normative documents, etc.):


Law of the People's Republic of China on Tobacco Monopoly" (Presidential Decree of the People's Republic of China No. 26, Revised on April 24, 2015)


The Implementation Regulations of the Tobacco Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China (State Council Decree No. 750 of the People's Republic of China, revised on November 10, 2021)


The Administrative Coercion Law of the People's Republic of China (Presidential Decree No. 49 of the People's Republic of China, amended on June 30, 2011)


Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People's Republic of China" (Presidential Decree No. 16 of the People's Republic of China, revised on September 1, 2017)


Administrative Reconsideration Law Implementation Regulations of the People's Republic of China (State Council Decree No. 499, published on May 29, 2007)


6. "Administrative Penalties Procedures for Tobacco Monopoly" (Order No. 61 of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, January 21, 2010, amended on May 16, 2023).


Regulations on the Management of Tobacco Monopoly License (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China Decree No. 36, revised on May 26, 2016)


Regulations on the Administration of Tobacco Monopoly Licenses" (Order No. 37 of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, revised on May 26, 2016)


Regulations on the Management of E-Cigarettes" (Announcement No. 1 of 2022 by the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration)


This article is translated from an original Chinese article available on by AI, and has been reviewed and edited by 2FIRSTS's English editorial team. The Chinese original text is the only authoritative source of information. The exclusive copyright and license rights to this article are held by 2FIRSTS Technology Co., Ltd. Any reproduction, reprinting, or redistribution of this article, either in part or in full, requires express written permission from 2FIRSTS and must include clear attribution along with a link to this content. Non-compliance may result in legal action. 2FIRSTS Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the right to pursue legal actions in case of unauthorized use or distribution.