UK Approves Sale of Promising Smoking Cessation Medication, Cytisine

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UK Approves Sale of Promising Smoking Cessation Medication, Cytisine
UK approves sale of Cytisine, a smoking cessation drug with potential to significantly help smokers quit, reports The Guardian.

According to a report by The Guardian on January 2nd, the UK has approved the sale of a smoking cessation drug called Cytisine, which could play a significant role in helping people quit smoking.


Even though many smokers have turned to nicotine alternative products that are safer than cigarettes, doctors have discovered a drug called cytisine (a natural ingredient found in the seeds of the golden chain tree) that can help smokers quit their addiction, with a success rate of more than double. This drug has been in use in Central and Eastern Europe for decades but is not available in most countries, including the United States. Recently, it gained approval from regulatory authorities in the United Kingdom and is expected to hit the market at the end of this month.


Argentinian researchers conducted a thorough analysis of 12 randomized controlled trials comparing the success rates of smokers using Cytisine, a placebo, another smoking cessation drug called Champix, or nicotine replacement therapies such as patches or nicotine pouches.


Researchers have discovered that Cytisine, a plant alkaloid, is more than twice as effective as a placebo. Several studies under review indicate that this medication has similarities to Varenicline and might be more effective than nicotine replacement therapy.


According to Argentine toxicologist Omar, "Smoking is considered a major preventable cause of death worldwide. Nicotine may become one of the important solutions to address this issue."


The alkaloid vincamine will be available on the market in the UK as a prescription drug by the end of January. However, the cost of a 25-day treatment with 100 pills is £115, which may hinder certain regions from including this medication as part of their healthcare services for the public.


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