Reynolds Vuse E-Cigarette Market Share Increases, Juul Ranking 2rd

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Reynolds Vuse E-Cigarette Market Share Increases, Juul Ranking 2rd
According to Journalnow, Reynolds Tobacco's Vuse e-cigarette market share increases to 42.1%, surpassing Juul's 24.4%.

According to a recent report by Journalnow, Reynolds Tobacco's e-cigarette brand Vuse has seen a slight increase in market share, rising to 42.1%. This surpasses the second-ranked Juul, which has maintained a market share of 24.4%.


Meanwhile, the market share of NJoy, a subsidiary of Altria Group and ranked number three, has not significantly increased, remaining at 2.5%.


In addition, Altria and British American Tobacco warn that the prevalence of illegal synthetic nicotine e-cigarettes is increasing in the American market. According to estimates by both companies, these illicit synthetic e-cigarette products represent approximately half of the domestic market share in the United States.


According to reports, this report covers a four-week period from the previous report until November 4th. Nielsen's data for this report mostly comes from major retail chains.


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